Left kidney with twin accessory renal arteries
During the routine dissection hours a cadaver displayed a
left kidney supplied by two accessory renal arteries which branched out from
the aorta and had a sinuous course. The
main renal artery (MRA) was seen
entering into the hilum behind the main renal vein(MRV) .
The first accessory renal artery(ARA-1) branched from the left lateral side of the
aorta just above the level of superior mesenteric
It was running laterally showing a kink almost in the centre
of its course. It entered into the kidney through the anterior substance of the
kidney just above the hilum.
A segmental branch
was seen entering the hilum lying anterior to the main renal vein.
The 2nd accessory renal artery(ARA-2) was seen
arising about 5.7 cms below the origin of superior mesenteric artery(SMA) . It is longer than the 1st accessory
renal artery extending laterally from
the aorta it is seen entering into the left kidney just below the renal pelvis.
A gonadal branch was seen branching out . The left gonadal vein( LGV) is seen
draining into the left renal vein .
The hilum was extending over to the anterior surface of the
kidney and crowding of the vascular structures was seen . However the pelvis
remained most posterior .
Clinical significance
Presence of such twin renal arteries can complicate the
interpretation of renal angiograms and challenge the urologists performing
laparoscopic and renal transplantation procedures
Special thanks to Manisha
, swatika, Atif , kareem and Shahzeb zaman.( MBBS students of 2010-11 batch
Shadan Medical College . Hyderabad . India)